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Poseidon Mod 1 CCR Skills  - recreational diver level rebreather


The focus for Poseidon Mod 1 Recreational CCR Diver is to enable the diver to dive the CCR with confidence, and for ANY failure scenario to build the skill of Bail Out to BOV, then to Stage Bottle with cumulative bail out until the student can master a complete bail out ascent with a stop at 20' to show they can maintain ascent and buoyancy.

Poseidon CCR Confined Water Skills


Pre Jump Check - 

  • completed Pre Breath

  • Turn Bail Out On

  • Confirm Depth, Time, Buddy Ok


Bubble Check


Mask Clearing

Swimming Without Mask

Shut Down to BOV

Shut Down to BOV to Bail Out Stage

Shut Down Without Mask

Shut Down to Bail Out Stage without mask


Gurgling DSV/BOV Water In Loop Hose

  • Roll and lift hose to dump into exhale counter lung

  • Shut Down BOV to OC, Lift & Shake Right Hose into CL


Diver Turns Diluent OFF to simulate stuck BCD / Diluent Add / Dil Boom? *

Diver Turns Diluent Back ON


Diver Turns Oxygen Valve OFF to simulate stuck injection / O2 Boom? *

Diver Turns Oxygen Valve Back ON


*This is designed for the diver to control run away buoyancy and not to run a broken ccr


*Next set of skills the instructor creates simulation of error that sets off alarms.  Student is to react to instructor as they were a "buddy" then instructor simulates these errors on the students rig


* (Instructor simulates error by shutting off their oxygen - wait cpl minutes for oxygen injections and drop pressure)


Diver React to Buddy Warning Light  ( instructor or fellow student is buddy with warn light - see below set up)

  • Switch Buddy to OC

  • Hold Under Chin, Begin Ascent

  • Deflate Buddies BCD on Ascent

  • Inflate Buddies BCD on Surface


Diver React to DIVA HUD  Warning Light - "make note handset"

  • Instructor Preps Student for pending shut down and depletion of oxygen

  • Instructor shuts off student oxygen

  • Student stationary breathes normally until oxygen depletes

  • Student reaction is to Shut Down to BOV and ascend



Diver reacts to oxygen valve off

  • Instructor Preps Student for pending shut down and depletion of oxygen

  • Instructor shuts off student oxygen

  • Student stationary breathes normally until oxygen depletes

  • Student reaction is to Shut Down to BOV and note handset "oxygen flashing"

  • Student Turns Oxygen Back On -

  • Student returns to CCR


Diver reacts to Diluent valve off

  • Instructor Preps Student for pending shut down and depletion of diluent

  • Instructor shuts off student Diluent

  • Student stationary -

  • Instructor short burst drains dil out BCD Inflator "held open" to vent

  • Student reaction is to Shut Down to BOV  *Note there is no gas

  • Student must switch to Stage Bail Out Regulator

  • Student Turns Diluent Back On -

  • Student returns to CCR



Diver Remove and Replace Stage Bottle


Diver shares Bail Out Stage Regulator with OOA buddy


Diver Switch to BOV to Stage Bottle and Ascend to surface

* discuss loop volume expansion on ascent and describe method of venting loop.


Buoyancy Hover 3 ft off pool bottom


(Instructor Cue Cards - All Shut Down to BOV)


Difficulty Breathing, Anxiety Breathing, Shortness of Breath, Cannot Get Full Breath  Hypercapnia             ( *NO Alarm!!! )


Display Shows High Oxygen - Alarm!


Display Shows Low Oxygen  - Alarm!


Heavy Gurgling - Wet Mouthful "slippery water"  - Flood


Low Battery Warning or Display Missing?


Cell Failure Warning




                                                            Poseidon CCR Course Skills


Diver:             _______________________                                                               Instructor:____________________


Buoyancy control: Average score:__

__At depth

__During ascent/descent

__At safety/deco stops


Propulsion Skills: Ave score:__

__Overall finning technique

__Body posture

__Streamlining of equipment


Equipment familiarity: Ave score:__

__Comfort with equipment and configuration

__Pre-dive / post-dive checks

__Ability to bail out to open-circuit

__Ability to manage auxiliary equipment (stage cylinders, DSMB’s, compass)

__Ability to successfully perform drills


Awareness: Ave score:__

__Aware of buddy or instructor location

__Navigation and orientation during dive

__Responsive to signals

__Capable of self-rescue

__Capable of buddy-rescue

__PPO2 monitoring

__Depth and Time monitoring

__Responsive to equipment changes during dive

__Ability to focus on dive objectives

__Overall alertness



Skills Covered:

__Pre-dive checks

__Surface checks

__Bubble checks

__Buoyancy control

__Comfortable loop volume skills

__Hypoxia drills

__Hyperoxia drills

__Hypercapnia drills

__Flooded loops drills

__Computer failure drills/alarm scenarios

__Cell error drill

__Low battery drill

__Stage cylinder drills

__Bail Out Ascent from depth to safety stop

__Delayed surface marker buoy drills




Confined Water Time: _________


Number of Open Water Dives: _________ and TBT: __________


Student signature:                                                                 Date:



*note this may appear to look like traditional complex ccr skills as it describes; hypoxia, hyperoxia, etc.  This is more for the academic reason that these things may happen to a ccr diver.   The difference is that the Poseidon diver is encouraged that if something does not feel right that they should bail out.


                                    Poseidon CCR Mod 1 Diver Course Open Water Dive


Dive 1

30 FSW / :60 Minutes

Confirm Pre Breath, All Gasses On

Bail Out On

Review Depth, Time, Skills

Buddy Check OK?

Bubble Check

Monitor Po2 every 2-3 minutes

Partial Mask Clear

R & R BOV - Shut Down BOV to OC - Remove and Replace BOV - Clear - Resume CCR

Buoyancy & Trim

Swimming Kick

Swap Stage Bottles

Remove Water from Loop Hose (lift - shake or rotate)

Share Air - Stage Regulator to OOA Buddy  ( swap buddies A - B and B-A donors )

Return Stage Bottles

Flood - B/O

Hypercapnia - B/O

Ascend  - safety stop 20' - :03



Dive 2

40 FSW / :60 Minutes

Confirm Pre Breath, All Gasses On

Bail Out On

Review Depth, Time, Skills

Buddy Check OK?

Bubble Check

Monitor Po2 every 2-3 minutes

B/O to BOV to Stage Regulator  *continue skill below

OC Swim on stage :05 minutes min to :10 at constant depth for SAC swim; record start, end psi and depth

Buoyancy & Trim

Swimming Kick

Remove Stage - swim short distance - return replace stage

Remove Water from Loop Hose /  DSV (lift - shake or rotate)

Display Missing? B/O

Low Oxygen  - B/O

Bail Out to BOV only for ascent to 20' to show dil use on ascent - *

Ascend - safety stop 20' - :03


*ensure student has sufficient dil on second dive of day,  or use stage


*Note diver makes ascent on BOV with  loop closed and maintains buoyancy.   If necessary monitor loop volume expansion to prevent accidental blow up ascent.   Burp vent loop via DSV/BOV if possible





Day 2 OW dives


Dive 3

50 FSW / :60 Minutes

Confirm Pre Breath, All Gasses On

Bail Out On

Review Depth, Time, Skills

Buddy Check OK?

Bubble Check

Monitor Po2 every 2-3 minutes

B/O to BOV to Stage Regulator

Buoyancy & Trim

Swimming Kick

Exchange Stage with Buddy

High Oxygen Spike! - B/O

Sensor Failure  - B/O

Deploy SMB - safety stop 20' - :03

Surface swim buddy rescue "buddy A"



Dive 4

60-70 FSW / :60 Minutes

Confirm Pre Breath, All Gasses On

Bail Out On

Review Depth, Time, Skills

Buddy Check OK?

Bubble Check

Monitor Po2 every 2-3 minutes

B/O to BOV to Stage Regulator

Buoyancy & Trim

Swimming Kick

Exchange Stage with Buddy - then Swim Side by Side sharing Stage Gas

Deploy SMB

Flood! B/O

Continue Bail Out to 20 FSW do :03 Safety Stop

Surface swim buddy rescue "buddy B"


*Note diver makes ascent on stage bottle with loop closed and maintains buoyancy.   If necessary monitor loop volume expansion to prevent accidental blow up ascent.   Burp vent loop via DSV/BOV if possible




Day 3 Open Water dives


Dive 5

60-70 FSW / :60 Minutes

Confirm Pre Breath, All Gasses On

Bail Out On

Review Depth, Time, Skills

Buddy Check OK?

Bubble Check

Monitor Po2 every 2-3 minutes

B/O to BOV to Stage Regulator

Buoyancy & Trim

Swimming Kick

Exchange Stage with Buddy - then Swim Side by Side sharing Stage Gas

Scrubber Crash B/O

Continue Bail Out to 20 FSW do :03 Safety Stop



Dive 6

80-90 FSW / :60 Minutes

Confirm Pre Breath, All Gasses On

Bail Out On

Review Depth, Time, Skills

Buddy Check OK?

Bubble Check

Monitor Po2 every 2-3 minutes

Feeling Faint, Light Headed

Ascend to  20 FSW do :03 Safety Stop

Please join me on Facebook or email me at the address below


Ron Benson

Silent Explorers

8600 Xylon Ave


Brooklyn Park, MN 55445

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